jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

My year 2014

After all this year has been a good year, I enjoy good health, because I heven't sicken, a very kind family without any problems. An important thing about this year is that it's the most dificult year in my career (sociology), I have the most dificult subject of the career, and it takes me a lot of time to study and work-

I think that the unique thing I haven't done is to paricipate in situations outside of the university, making some sport, or participate in some cultural issue, this is because I'm too busy at the university and I haven't time to make other things. hope you can fix this next year, because sometimes it's a bit boring to be so much time doing things related to college and study.

I think that it is hard to start making this things in this part of the year, because final exams are coming, and this is the hardest part of the year in which final results are presented and work takes much time to study and prepare presentations, so I do not think it is me much time to do extracurricular things

I think my achievements are ok, So Far I have approved all my subjects in university, and I've growna lot as a person . But I would go out with my friends and have more time for myself

Thanks for reading

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

About Gender

Hello everyone! 

Johanna Blakley try to explain about how publicity tries to classify us in a certain group depending of our age, race, studies where do we live, etc. But times are changing and when the social networks arrived we don’t care about the age, gender, work or profession that the other person do, we connect ourselves with the things that we like most, for example the music, movies, books, etc. Now we know that social networking has surpassed the old system of demographics, and this new system is most ruled by women in the time spend and amount of people using them. Also the author remarks that the stereotypes of “what women likes” should be erased by the women themselves in order to advance. Her conclusion is that the society has changed so much that now we don’t really about gender, is about what we think and what we like.

In my opinion, I totally agree with the idea of Johanna Blakley that we have to eliminate the stereotypes of what we like, specially with women, for example that wrong idea of all the women like movies about romance, heroes, princes and all this. Because the position of women in our actual society changed a lot, even in 30 years ago no one would think about a women president in Chile, and now there is Michelle Bachelet, this has given a lot of importance of the roles that women are taking in big companies, home and everywhere in general. Times are changing and we must be open minded to accept and advance. 

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Save Enviroment

Hi everyone, today I will talk about save environment.
I think that save the environment is necessary, but honestly I don’t do too much for it. Also I think that all things related with enviromentally friendly practices should be learned by people in the school, because it is the place to teach values to people, I did not have a good education in this things at the school, maybe it is because I don’t do too much for save environment. I haven’t incorporated recycling into my habits, usually I don’t separate my thrash by organic, plastic, paper and glass. It think I should make this work, but I think I don´t do it only because of silliness.
Usually I go to anywhere by public transport, bus or subway, especially when I go to university, when I take 2 busses and a trip in subway too. Even if I wanted to go to university in a bike or my legs I would not, because my home is too far of ir, so I would have to travel too many kilometers. Anyway, I think that using public transport is a good form to save environment, because it pollute more efficiently than using a car to only one person.
I support many mobilizations against hydroelectric centrals, because of the contamination that this produces, I think that this things are necessary to save environment, but I have not been in too many protests, principally because of disinformation and silliness.
About my footprint, I haven’t calculated it, and I don’t know how to reduce it. Maybe I should learn more about it.

I think that is a missing taking the problem of the environment individually, if we really like to reduce the contamination, we need to advance in the construction of a way of industrial development environmentally friendly.


miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

My favorite writer is Nicanor Parra

Hi Classmates!, today I’m gonna talk about my favorite writer.

I think my favorite writer is Nicanor Parra, he is a chilean author, autodefined as a anti - poetist, because he try to make a break with the tradictional poetry.Nicanor Parra is part of a family very influential in the field of the culture and arts, his sister, Violeta Parra, was a multifacetical artist, related especially with the folklore, Eduardo Parra, musican and  folklorist,  Roberto Parra, dramatist, etc.  In the last days Nicanor Parrra has been mentioned in the mass medias, and some institutions has organized events about his work, because of the centenary of his birth.

I think he is my favorite because I met his work wen I was very young, my father that is a exited reader of Parra showed me some writings, and in that moment I felt very confused and surpresed with his work. What  I like about Parra is his iconoclast style,great creativity and capacity to breack with all the previus dogmas.
I think that muy favorite of Parra is Poemas y antipoemas,  I think it is a book that produced a important cut un the Chilean an hispanoamerican poetry, this established the fundation of the anty-poetry.

thanks for reading

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

The best concert I’ve ever have ever been

The best concert I’ve ever have ever been is the lollapalooza 2013 it was the first days of April of those year, it was a very good time to go to a concert because I haven’t too much to do in the university and I went with some friends, as we enjoyed the same music, I had good company all the time.

Lollapalooza is a big festival of music and bands, it is realized in Parque O'Higgins, a very nice place to this type of festivals, these was a very good two days. There was a big list of artists, but the most important for me was: Queens of the Stone Age, Franz Ferdinand,  A Perfect Circle, Crystal castles , Tomahawk and Foals. All of them are bands of rock in English, except Crystal Castles that is more electro than rock.

I really enjoyed this festival, because there was a lot of great music and good company with my friends, the unique problem was the price, I bought the ticket for 70000 pesos, a lot of money!  but it totally worth. 

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

La sociologie est un sport de combat | Sociology is a martial art

I’m a student of third year of sociology, and in the past semester, in the subject of sociological theory IV we read to Pierre Bourdieu. Before reading this author, I watched a documentary about him; this helped me to understand his theory, his biography and allowed me to hear him self explain some central concepts as Habitus, Social Capital and Field.

Sociology is a Martial Art (La Sociologie est un sport de combat, in the original french) is a documentary about Pierre Bourdieu, a very important sociologist of the early part of the xx century. It is directed by Pierre Carles, a French director that followed to Bourdieu with a camera and filmed him in conferences, lectures, interviews and researching. Also it gives very important biographical data about the French sociologist.

I think this documentary can be useful to sociology because is a good first approach to the Bourdieu’s theory’s. Personally I think that when someone needs to understand any author, a good form to start is be clear about the life of this author, and this is a good form to learn this.

Thanks you for reading!

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Canada, a cold and turistic country.

In my life I haven’t traveled outside of the country, when I’m in holidays, I travel with my family inside of Chile, generally to the south of the country. I love the natural landscapes, so I think that if I visit other countrym this will be for a touristic travel and it should be a country with amazing natural landscapes.

I and my family love the south zone of Chile, mostly Chiloe. I think it is because we like more the cold weather than the hot weather, so I think that the country I would like to visits shouldn’t be a caribbean country, it should be a cold country like Canada.

I think that there are two advantages of visiting Canada, first the native languages are easier than other cold countries as the Scandinavians, so it would be easiest to learn and communicate with the native people; second it is a very touristic country, with a lot of lakes, forests and rivers to visit.
Thanks you for reading!